notes/ideas final essy
ideas for final imagetext essay:
my mind is bloggled [yes, bloggled] by all of these thoughts and ideas swarming around in my brain
the shoe museum in toronto, that i visited in september, really effected me. not only was it of interest to me because of my fascination with shoes and love of them, but after i left i realized 1] i was not alone in this crazy interest 2] just how much footwear says about a culture/timeperiod. and it spurred me to write this frantically on a napkin as soon as i possibly could:
"shoes clothing matching art/architecture--as history is written. what is said of our 'political' scene currently and our fashions? who writes this history?"
in fact, who says, "oh they wore these certain buckles on their shoes because it represented the king of the time who loved gold and it matched the belts that were in fashion"....after reading parts of HIDING by Mark Taylor who, although he wrote in 1997, talked about the descontruction [influence by Derrida] that is apparant in our clothing fashions of today...the ripped up jeans, the messy hemlines, the unbuttons, disheveled looks....
what about our shoes? in 100 years will the Chuck Taylor still be a symbol of 'rebellion' that it was? it's mainstream now--it comes in pink, american flags and patent leather. Will the Doc Marten still be a punk, harder-core-than-the-Converse rebellion. it's mainstream now too-- and who even cares?
my mind is bloggled [yes, bloggled] by all of these thoughts and ideas swarming around in my brain
the shoe museum in toronto, that i visited in september, really effected me. not only was it of interest to me because of my fascination with shoes and love of them, but after i left i realized 1] i was not alone in this crazy interest 2] just how much footwear says about a culture/timeperiod. and it spurred me to write this frantically on a napkin as soon as i possibly could:
"shoes clothing matching art/architecture--as history is written. what is said of our 'political' scene currently and our fashions? who writes this history?"
in fact, who says, "oh they wore these certain buckles on their shoes because it represented the king of the time who loved gold and it matched the belts that were in fashion"....after reading parts of HIDING by Mark Taylor who, although he wrote in 1997, talked about the descontruction [influence by Derrida] that is apparant in our clothing fashions of today...the ripped up jeans, the messy hemlines, the unbuttons, disheveled looks....
what about our shoes? in 100 years will the Chuck Taylor still be a symbol of 'rebellion' that it was? it's mainstream now--it comes in pink, american flags and patent leather. Will the Doc Marten still be a punk, harder-core-than-the-Converse rebellion. it's mainstream now too-- and who even cares?
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